Reiki Master & Teacher Level
This is the advanced Master plus Teacher level. After having completed the Reiki Level 2 training, you can seize the opportunity to train to the Master & Teacher level in the Usui Method of Natural Healing. This level will significantly increase your personal energy as well as enabling you to initiate others into Reiki.
The highlights of the Reiki Master & Teacher course include;
receiving an authentic, individual Reiki Master Attunement
the initiation into four Reiki Master symbols
mastering the elements of holistic healing
connecting with your Higher Self and high level spiritual guides
techniques for raising your energy levels (Microcosmic Orbit and Reiki Breath)
advanced Reiki techniques including:
clearing the energy of spaces
setting up a Reiki energy grid inside a space
scanning the human aura
Reiki “energy surgery” for moving blocked energy
cleansing, programming & dedicating crystals with Reiki
setting up a Reiki crystal energy grid
how to give Reiki Attunements (in traditional and modern styles including Healing Attunements, Reiju and Denju) with plenty of guided practice
how to teach all levels of the Usui Reiki system (Reiki 1; 2; Master & Teacher level)
how to design & deliver a successful training programme
Four days over two weekends will be devoted to this transformational training course and the class size will be kept small.
This is an internationally recognised certificated training course. Included is a comprehensive manual, an audio recording for guided practice and life-long post-course support (including advice with marketing and professional practice) via telephone, e-mail or in person during the regular Reiki practice groups.
This training course is a wonderful opportunity for you to deepen your own personal healing and to greatly enhance your ability to help others.
Becoming a Reiki Master will tremendously boost your competence and confidence. It is a giant step towards a more fulfilled life. You will learn essential skills that you can use to build an income from what you love doing, helping you to bridge the gap between your work life and a spiritual life. The advanced techniques provide powerful tools to clear physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blocks to abundance, health and harmony.